Aleksandar Bošković

Datum i mesto rođenja: jun 1962, Zemun.

Stručna zvanja

  • Naučni savetnik, Arheološki institut, Beograd (Viši naučni saradnik od 1. jula 2003; naučni savetnik od 26. jula 2007.)
  • Profesor antropologije na Odeljenju za etnologiju i antropologiju Filozofskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu sa jednom trećinom radnog vremena, od 1. oktobra 2009. Pun radni odnos sa pola radnog vremena od 1. januara 2013. (Zvanje redovnog profesora potvrđeno odlukom Senata Univerziteta u Beogradu, 14. novembra 2012.)

Kontakt adresa

Filozofski fakultet
Odeljenje za etnologiju i antropologiju
Čika Ljubina 18-20
11000 Beograd, Srbija
kontakt e-mail:


Diplomirani filozof, Fiozofski fakultet, Univerzitet u Beogradu, 1990.
1993. A. in Anthropology, Tulane University, New Orleans (LA), SAD, 1993.
Ph. D. in Social Anthropology, University of St. Andrews, St. Andrews, Škotska, Velika Britanija, 1996.

Članstvo u profesionalnim organizacijama

  • 1998- Association of Social Anthropologists of the UK and the Commonwealth (ASA).
  • 1998- International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences (IUAES).
  • 2000- Overseas Fellow, Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland (RAI)
  • 2000- European Association of Social Anthropologists (EASA).
  • 2016- International Association for Comparative Mythology (IACM).
  • Ranije čan i American Anthropological Association (AAA), The Prehistoric Society, American Philosophical Association (APA), kao i Association of Southeastern European Anthropologists (InASEA).

Profesionalna priznanja

  • Od 2012. član Uređivačkog odbora (Editorial Board), Association of Social Anthropologists of the UK and the Commonwealth (ASA).
  • Od 2013. do 2018. potpredsednik Komisije za teoretsku antropologiju (Commission on Theoretical Anthropology/ COTA) i član Saveta komisija (Council of Commissions) International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences (IUAES).
  • Od 1. avgusta 2016. urednik izdavačke delatnosti (Book Series Editor), European Association of Social Anthropologists (EASA) – Berghahn Books.
  • Od 1. septembra 2017. urednik izdavačke delatnosti (Book Series Editor), Anthropology’s Ancestors, Berghahn Books.

Priznanja, stipendije i nagrade

  • Matilda Geddings Gray Fellowship, Center for Latin American Studies, Tulane University, New Orleans (LA), 1991.
  • Radcliffe-Brown Trust Award, Royal Anthropological Institute, 1996.
  • Post-doctoral Research Fellowship, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, Južna Afrika, 2001-2003.
  • Stipendija “Brain Gain” programa, WUS Austria, Beograd, 2003.
  • Visiting Research Fellowship, Max Planck Institut für ethnologische Forschung, Halle (Nemačka), 2006, 2011, 2013, 2016.
  • DAAD Senior Researcher Grant, Max Planck Institut für ethnologische Forschung, Halle (Nemačka), 2014.
  • Institut d’études avancées, Collegium de Lyon, 2018/2019.
  • Civil Society Scholar Award, 2019.

Oblasti interesovanja

  • Racionalnost, istorija i teorija antropologije, racionalnost, psihoanaliza, mit i religija, etnicitet i nacionalizam, semiotika, rodne studije.


  • Maternji: srpskohrvatski i makedonski.
  • Drugi jezici: engleski, portugalski, španski, francuski, slovenački, bugarski, nemački.

Radno iskustvo (izbor)

  • 1994-1996 Asistent i predavač (Tutor and Part-time Lecturer), Department of Social Anthropology, University of St. Andrews, Scotland, UK.
  • 1999-2001 Professor Visitante de Etnologia Europea, Departamento de Antropología, Universidade de Brasília, Brazil. [u rangu vanrednog profesora]
  • 1990-2015 Gostujući profesor u postdiplomskom programu antropologije, Fakulteta za družbene vede (FDV), Univerza v Ljubljani, Slovenija. [prvo u rangu vanrednog profesora; od 2003. kao redovni profesor]
  • 2003-2006 Senior Lecturer, Department of Anthropology, Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa. [u rangu vanrednog profesora]
  • 2003-2019 Viši naučni saradnik (2003-2007), pa naučni savetnik (2007-2019), Institut društvenih nauka u Beogradu. Između maja 2003. i februara 2017. Upravnik Centra za politikološka istraživanja i javno mnenje (CPIJM). Rukovodilac projekta (III 47010), 2011-2018.
  • 2017- Redovni profesor antropologije na Fakultetu za primjenjenu nauku, UDG, Podgorica, Crna Gora.


Knjige – autor

  1. 2017 Mesoamerican Religions and Archaeology: Essays in Pre-Columbian Civilizations. Archaeopress Pre-Columbian Archaeology, 7. Oxford: Archaeopress. ISBN 978-1-78491-502-5
  2. 2014 Antropološke perspektive. Beograd: Institut društvenih nauka. ISBN 978-86-7093-150-3
  3. 2010 Kratak uvod u antropologiju. Beograd: Službeni ISBN 978-86-519-0492-2.
    Hrvatsko izdanje (izmenjeno i dopunjeno, sa ilustracijama):
    2010 Kratak uvod u antropologiju. Zagreb: Jesenski i Turk. ISBN 978-953-222-369-9.
  4. 2006 Mit, politika, ideologija. Ogledi iz komparativne antropologije. Beograd: Institut društvenih nauka. ISBN 86-7093-111-7.
  5. 2005 Etnologija svakodnevnog života. Beograd: Helsinški komitet za ljudska prava. ISBN 86-7208-113-7.
  6. 1990 Religija i kultura Maja. Beograd: Kodeks. ISBN 86-7575-002-1.
  7. 1988 Majanska religija. Beograd: Opus. ISBN 86-7453-001-X.

Knjige – priređivač

  1. 2018 (sa Lilijanom Čičkarić) Ka evropskom društvu: ograničenja i perspektive. Beograd: Institut društvenih nauka. 282 str., tabele, bibliografija. ISBN 978-86-7093-212-8
  2. 2017 (sa Suzanom Ignjatović) Individualizam. Beograd: Centar za antropološka istraživanja, Institut društvenih nauka. VIII + 225 str., ilustracije, indeksi. ISBN 978-86-7093-192-3
  3. (sa Milanom Vukomanovićem i Zoranom Jovanovićem) Rečnik božanstava i mitskih ličnosti sveta. Beograd: Službeni glasnik i Institut društvenih nauka. ISBN 978-86-519-1238-5
  4. 2013 (with Chris Hann) The Anthropological Field on the Margins of Europe, 1945-1991. HSAE, 25. Berlin: Lit Verlag. ISBN 978-3-643-90507-9
  5. 2010 (sa Jelenom Jablanov Maksimović) Međuetnički odnosi u funkciji pomirenja. Beograd: Konrad Adenauer Stiftung i CPIJM, Institut društvenih nauka. ISBN 978-86-86661-44-9.
  6. 2008 (editor) Other People’s Anthropologies: Ethnographic Practice on the Margins. Oxford and New York: Berghahn. ISBN 978-1-84545-398-5 (hbk); 978-1-84545-702-0 (paperback) – objavljena 2010.
  7. 2000 (preveo i priredio) Critical Art Ensemble: Digitalni partizani. Beograd: CSUB.

Knjige – koautor

  1. 2011 (sa Suzanom Ignjatović, Dragomirom Pantićem i Zoranom Pavlovićem) Građanke i građani Srbije o rodnoj ravnopravnosti. Javno mnjenje Srbije o rodnoj ravnopravnosti. Beograd: Uprava za rodnu ravnopravnost i Institut društvenih nauka. ISBN 978-86-7704-063-5.

Odabrani tekstovi u recenziranim časopisima (od 2005):[1]

  1. 2019a Anthropology and Nationalism. American Anthropologist 121 (4) [u štampi].*
  2. 2019b (sa Goranom Štrkaljem i Željkom Buturović) Attitudes of Serbian biological anthropologists toward the concept of race. Anthropologie 57(3): 287-297.*
  3. 2018a Čitanje kultura. Antropologija, arheologija i razumevanje drevne Mezoamerike. Glasnik Etnografskog instituta SANU 66(2): 271-285.**
  4. 2018b (sa Suzanom Ignjatović) O mogućnostima naučnog objašnjenja zasnovanog na metodološkom individualizmu u antropologiji. Etnoantropološki problemi 13(1): 17-40.**
  5. 2015 Ozbiljne igre. Teorija u antropologiji posle 1980-ih. [Serious games. Theory in anthropology since the 1980s.] Etnoantropološki problemi 10(1): 19-41. **
  6. 2014a Antropolozi kao simboli: Geertz. Etnoantropološki problemi 9(4): 837-848. **
  7. 2014b Sociolog koji nije bio ovde: racionalnost, antropologija i Raymond Boudon. Antropologija 2/2014, str. 53-69.
  8. 2013a (with Suzana Ignjatović) “Are we there yet?” Citizens of Serbia and public policy of gender equality within EU accession context. European Journal of Women’s Studies 20(4): 425-440. *
  9. 2013b Antropologija i demografija. Stanovništvo LI (2): 83-94. **
  10. 2011 Ratko Mladić: Relativism, myth and reality. Anthropology Today 27(4): 1-3. *
  11. 2009 O duhovima i ogledalima. Prilog proučavanju antropologije razlike. Sociologija LI(1): 83-92.
  12. 2007a Mezi etnologií a antropologií: perspektivy z bývalé Jugoslávie. Czech Sociological Review 43(1): 155-160. *
  13. 2007b (with Ilana van Wyk) Troubles with identity: South African anthropology, 1921-2005. Anthropological Yearbook of European Cultures 16: 147-156. *
  14. 2006 Balkan ghosts revisited: Racism, Serbian style. Anthropos 101(4-6): 559-564. *
  15. 2005a Distinguishing ‘self’ and ‘other’: Anthropology and national identity in former Yugoslavia. Anthropology Today 21(2): 8-13. *
  16. 2005b Joyeuses Tropiques: Five encounters with alterities in Brazil. Dialectical Anthropology 29(2): 221-239. *

Pregledni tekstovi

  1. 2016 A very personal anthropology of Mary Douglas. Anthropological Notebooks 22(1): 119-123. *
  2. 2015 Pisati istoriju. Ili: istorija antropologije kao antropološki problem. Etnološka tribina (Zagreb) 45/38: 150-160. **
  3. 2013 Kapferer, Bruce, et al. Legends of People, Myths of State, 2012, and Hobart, Angela, and Bruce Kapferer (eds.), Contesting the State, 2012. Zeitschrift für Ethnologie 138(2): 301-306. *
  4. 2012 (with Suzana Ignjatović) Understanding ethnic conflicts through rational choice: A review article. Ethnos 77(2): 289-295. *
  5. 2009 Kraj jedne epohe – Leszek Kolakowski (1927-2009). Treći program III/IV (broj 143-144): 454-457.
  6. 2007a “World Anthropologies” and Anthropologies in the World: Three Perspectives. A Review Essay. Anthropos 102: 230-234. *
  7. 2007b Kliford Gerc: jedna karijera. Glasnik Etnografskog instituta SANU 55(1): 245-251.
  8. 2003 Prikaz knjige: Jane Cowan (org.), Macedonia, London, 2000. Campos 4: 207-210.
  9. 2002 The “Intersubjective turn” and the question of subject in contemporary anthropology: A review article. Campos 2: 55-65.
  10. 2001 Intersubjectivity and the Anthropological Project. Cultural Dynamics 13(2): 245-249. *

Odabrana poglavlja u knjigama (od 2010)

  1. 2018 Some implications of the Saussure’s concept of linguistic sign. In: Miriam Pillar Grossi, Simone Lira da Silva, Ivi Porfirio, Caroline Amábile Vale dos Santos, Gabriel Darío López Zamora, Gabriela Alano Tertuliano, Maria Luiza Scheren and Filipe Tchinene Calueio (eds.), Conference Proceedings 18th IUAES World Congress, pp. 151-161. Florianópolis: Tribo da Ilha.
  2. 2017 Individualizam u antropologiji. U: Suzana Ignjatović i A. Bošković (prir.), Individualizam, str. 4-25. Beograd: Centar za antropološka istraživanja, Institut društvenih nauka.
  3. 2017 Serbia and the surplus of history: Being small, large, and small again. In: Ulf Hannerz and Andre Gingrich (eds.), Small Countries: Structures and Sensibilities, pp. 195-209. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.
  4. 2017 Globalization and its discontents. U: Veselin Vukotić et al. (priredili), Globalizacija i izolacionizam, str. 74-82. Beograd: Centar za ekonomska istraživanja i Institut društvenih nauka.
  5. 2017 (with Suzana Ignjatović) Gender equality in Serbia. In: Anders Örtenblad, Raili Marling and Snježana Vasiljević (eds.), Gender Equality in a Global Perspective, pp. 198-223. New York and London: Routledge. ISBN 978-1-1381-9324-6
  6. 2016 Images of gender and sexuality: Southern Africa. In: Nancy Naples (gen. ed.), Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Gender and Sexuality Studies.
  7. 2015 Escape from the future: Anthropological practice and everyday life. In: Maria Couroucli and Tchavdar Marinov (eds.), Balkan Heritages, pp. 229-245. London: Ashgate. ISBN: 978-1-4724-6724-9
  8. 2015 (sa Milanom Vukomanovićem) Predgovor. Mit – definicije i tumačenja. U: A. Bošković, M. Vukomanović i Z. Jovanović (prir.), Rečnik božanstava i mitskih ličnosti sveta, str. 9-15. Beograd: Službeni glasnik i Institut društvenih nauka.
  9. 2013 (with Thomas Hylland Eriksen) Introduction [Other People’s Anthropologies]. In: Paul A. Ericksen & Liam D. Murphy (eds.), Readings from a History of Anthropological Theory, 4th edition, pp. 562-574. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
  10. 2013 Afterword: Words and things, anthropologies and ethnologies. In: Aleksandar Bošković and Chris Hann (eds.), The Anthropological Field on the Margins of Europe, 1945-1991, pp. 359-365. Berlin: Lit Verlag.
  11. 2010 Jezik, razlike, politike. U: Jelena Filipović et al., Okrugli sto na temu rodno osetljivih jezičkih politika, str. 75-81. Beograd: Ministarstvo rada i socijalne politike Republike Srbije.
  12. 2010 We are all indigenous now: Culture vs Nature in representations of the Balkans. In: Deborah James, Evie Place and Christina Toren (eds.), Culture Wars: Context, Models, and Anthropologists’ Accounts, str. 86-96. New York and Oxford: Berghahn Books.

Odabrana gostujuća predavanja od 2010

  1. 2011 “Liberalism, anthropology and the study of culture.” Paper presented at the Centre for Cosmopolitan Studies and the Institute of European Cultural Identity Studies, University of St. Andrews, Scotland, 24. mart.
  2. 2011 “Psychoanalysis and Anthropology: An Uneasy Relationship.” 113th Gellner Seminar, Masaryk Czech Sociological Association and Czech Association for Social Anthropology, Prague, Czech Republic, 28. april.
  3. 2012 “Escape from the future: Anthropological practice and everyday life.” Paper presented at the Workshop Les Balkans: entre champ académique et relations internationales, École Française d’Athènes and British School in Athens, Greece, 18. april.
  4. 2013 “Relational psychoanalysis and anthropology.” Paper presented at the Panel Human origins in sociocultural and biological perspectives, IUAES World Congress, Manchester, UK, 6. avgust.
  5. 2014 “Rationality and its limits: Natural symbols for natural anthropologies.” Paper presented at the IUAES Inter-Congress, Chiba, Japan, 15. maj.
  6. 2014 “Poetic wisdom: Vico on myth.” Paper presented at the Panel 05 at the ASA Decennial Conference Anthropology and Enlightenment in Edinburgh, UK, 21. jun.
  7. 2014 Introductory remarks on “identity and nationalism.” Part of the Current Debates in AnthropologyA. seminar, Institut für Ethnologie, University of Leipzig, Germany, 5. novembar.
  8. 2015 “The limits of ‘World Anthropologies’.” Anthropological colloquium, Institute of Social Anthropology, University of Hamburg, Germany, 20. oktobar.
  9. 2016 “William Robertson Smith’s influence on ‘Myth and Ritual school’.” Guest lecture at the School of Philosophy and Religions, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel, 7. januar.
  10. 2017 “Rationality in anthropology.” Seminar at the Master/PhD Colloquium, Institute of Ethnology, Westfälissche Wilhelms-Universität, Münster, Germany, 25. januar.
  11. “Anthropology and psychoanalysis. Everything you wanted to know about their academic and professional relationship, but were too afraid (or hesitant) to ask.” Seminar at the School of Education, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, Scotland, UK, 28. mart.
  12. “Classic Maya myths and politics: Creation and destruction of the world.” Paper presented at the 12th Annual International Conference on Comparative Mythology, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan, 2. jun.
  13. “The role of the British Psychoanalytical Society in the establishment of social anthropology.” paper presented at the Panel 49 of the 15th EASA Conference, Stockholm, Sweden, 15. avgust.

Odabrane konferencije i simpozijumi (organizator)

  1. “Body Images and Practices over Space and Time.” Panel 10 at the 2002 ASA Conference, Arusha, Tanzania.
  2. 2004 “Other Anthropologies.” Workshop at the 8th biennial EASA conference in Vienna, Austria. (Co-convenor, with T. H. Eriksen.)
  3. 2006 “World Anthropologies Network: Transforming the Terms of Conversation.” Workshop at the 9th biennial EASA conference in Bristol, UK. (Co-convenor, w/ Juan Ricardo Aparicio.)
  4. 2009 “What Can Archaeological Data Tell Us about Anthropological Realities?” Panel 25 at the ASA conference, Bristol, UK.
  5. 2011 “The Rise of Anthropology ‘on the Margins of Europe’, 1945-1991,” Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Halle/Saale, Germany. (w/ Chris Hann).
  6. 2012 “Biological foundations of social anthropology.” Workshop at the 11th EASA conference at Paris/ Nanterre, France.
  7. 2013 “Human origins in sociocultural and biological perspectives.” Panel at the IUAES Congress. Manchester, UK.
  8. 2015 “African Political Systems revisited.” Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Halle/Saale, Germany. (w/ Günther Schlee.)
  9. 2017. “Clashing scales of infrastructural development” (co-convenor, w/ T. H. Eriksen, on behalf of the EASA). Panel at the 13th SIEF Congress, Göttingen, Germany, 28. mart.
  10. 2017. “Humanity in the Anthropocene: Anthropological perspectives on the changing world.” Symposium organized on behalf of the COTA/IUAES at the World Humanities Conference (UNESCO), Liège, Belgium, 10. avgust.
  11. 2018. “Semiotics in contemporary anthropology – strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats” (co-convenor, with Marcin Brocki). 18th IUAES Congress, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, Brazil, 16. jul.
  12. 2018. “The role of learned societies and asociations in the creation and building of European anthropology” (co-convenor, with David Shankland). EASA Conference, University of Stockholm, Stockholm, Sweden, 15. avgust.
  13. 2018. “Rationality in the transnational world – New perspectives” (co-organizer, with John Hamman), Collegium de Lyon, Université de Lyon, 10-11. april.


  • Autor 151 odrednice u Rečniku božanstava i mitskih ličnosti sveta (Beograd, 2015); osam odrednica u Biographical Dictionary of Social and Cultural Anthropology (London: Routledge, 2004) i deset odrednica u Sociološkom rečniku (Beograd, 2007).
  • Preko 220 gostujućih seminara i predavanja po pozivu, u 27 zemalja.
  • Član Interdisciplinarnog matičnog odbora za unapređenje donošenja državnih odluka i afirmaciju nacionalnog identiteta, Ministarstva nauke, prosvete i tehnološkog razvoja Republike Srbije, od 1. septembra 2010. do 1. januara 2017.
  • Recenzent više projekata za Ministarstvo nauke Republike Srbije, od 2010.
  • Recenzent projekata za Holandsko Ministarstvo obrazovanja, kulture i nauke, 2012.
  • Konsultant za socijalnu antropologiju, 2008 RAE u Velikoj Britaniji.
  • Recenzent za Stanford University Press i Berghahn Books.
  • Od 1988, autor više od 70 prikaza knjiga za časopise American Antiquity, Anthropos, Anthropological Theory, Social Anthropology, The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, Past, Tipití, Glasnik Etnografskog instituta SANU i druge.
  • Od 2005, autor više recenzija za The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, Current Anthropology, Ethnic and Racial Studies, History of the Human Sciences, Anthropology Today, Collegium Antropologicum i Studia etnologica Croatica.
  • Predsednik žirija 17. Festivala etnografskog filma u Beogradu, 2008.

[1] Časopisi sa SCI/ISI liste označeni su zvezdicom. Časopisi sa SCOPUS ili ERIH liste sa dve zvezdice.