Dear colleagues,
Here is our 6th newsletter on the project TRACCE DI MEMORIA – TRAME (2020-1-IT02-KA201-079794), from the ERASMUS+ programme, co-funded by the EU commission.
We are sharing with you our plans for the activities in the next two months, which are among the most important activities and results of the TRAME project.
TEAM TRAME is finalizing its pilot programs which will start in the October.
The courses are designed to test and validate our educational methodology. They will be run by our partner organizations in Italy, Hungary, Serbia, Poland and Turkey and last around three months (2-3 hours per week). They will involve both the school teachers and heritage managers, as facilitators of the learning process and a total of around 200 pupils from 5 different countries.
During the pilots, the students will be working in groups on the production of original storytelling related to the archaeological sites. The final outputs will take different forms, depending on the specific schools and areas of education involved. By the end of the pilots, at least 20 project works will be elaborated by students.

Our team from the Çatalca District Directorate of National Education held a meeting with the teachers that took part in the Trame round table meeting and who are going to be the key persons in the TRAME pilot programme.
For their invaluable contributions to the TRAME activities the teachers were awarded the special certificates by the Director of Çatalca District Directorate of National Education.
Additionally, team from Çatalca District Directorate of National Education organized a design meeting with stakeholders and trainers.
Pilot program:
The pilot is planned for 9th and 10th grade students.
Historical and cultural heritage education for secondary school students is a significant task for educational institutions. This is not only because of the values it carries, but also because it offers new learning and development opportunities to young people. It fosters creativity, teamwork, collaborative learning, adds depth to their view of the world and life, offering ways of learning from our past and develop their overall 21st century skills and key competences for lifelong learning.
First phase of our pilot programme will be theoretical. Academics and cultural heritage experts will present a vivid picture of cultural heritage and norms related to TRAME project (Cultural and Natural Heritage; global definitions and supports; UNESCO; history, basic concepts, processes and practices; World Heritage Lists and similar global programs; Living Human Treasures, Creative Cities Network, Learning Cities Network, Memory of the World; methods and practices on various stages from cultural heritage and tourism protection-use balance to cultural routes, heritage, education; understanding and adopting heritage values, raising awareness of the protection of cultural heritage and a sense of local belonging).
Second phase will be field excursions, organized in a way that enables participants to discover the very close heritage values. On the site education will be given by heritage experts and academicians (oral history, movie, travel, virtual travel, local history, writing activities; Museums and archaeological sites, Natural and historical places, local games, clothes, food, epics, legends, inscriptions, folk heroes, customs, celebrations and holidays, value judgments from the past to the present, performing arts, national-spiritual values, libraries; Art workshops, drawing, sculpture, drama and storytelling).
The final event of the pilot programme will be a conference. Its goal will be to influence young people, authorities and cultural experts to create a common ground and make sustainable bounds between these actors at local level.


Pilot program:
The pilot is planned for 16-year-old pupils from the III E class of Liceo Pilo Albertelli, Rome.
The novelty of the program will be the study of travels in the imperial era Rome through Greek and Latin sources and archaeology. We will study vehicles, boats, roads, sea routes and the identity of travellers. Furthermore, the students will explore the characteristics of foreigners residing in Rome, their religion and culture as well the places they attended.
Thanks to the history of migration in antiquity, students will come to understand that our European culture is the result of cultural contamination.
The students will explore the literary and epigraphic sources, the museum collections of Rome. They will reflect on the concept of multi-ethnic society and then discuss it among themselves and finally write texts and create their own power points.
Through all of this, the students will come to appreciate the city’s archaeological heritage more and understand that Rome was a multi-ethnic city even in antiquity. In particular, the study of the area of the Parco archeologico del Colosseo, located very close to the school, will further stimulate them to learn more about the ancient world.


Pilot program:
The pilot is planned for the pupils from the Belgrade school of Design, ranging from the 2nd to the 4th grade (16-19 years old).
Novelty and content pillars are two methodological ways of approaching the past: theoretical and practical. The theoretical approach implies the analysis of Viminacium and thus Roman provincial history (both material and immaterial heritage). This will provide the students with a theoretical background for their practical research: diversity of cultural identities in the heterogeneous Roman world and migratory processes which shaped everyday life, art, customs and beliefs, army and state affairs. Main content is the gained knowledge which will allow them to elaborate various artistic means as carriers of the messages. Thus, students will be able to better understand not only the artistic techniques but also the potential of artistic expressions in the service of the state, army, cult, funerary customs, etc.
The main museum pedagogical methodology is storytelling based on the scientific data driven from history, archaeology, epigraphy, history of arts and architecture, visual culture studies, cultural anthropology, sociology of religion, etc. Artistic educational methodologies will be used as artistic methods such as the technology of ancient painting, mosaic, pottery, textile, as well as architectural and building techniques.
The Pilot will finally comprehend practical-artistic solutions and the use of cultural heritage. After the initial research on Viminacium, students will be introduced to Viminacium in situ. Sightseeing will be guided by Viminacium expert guides and accompanying lectures will be given by heritage professionals. In this phase, they will be able to hear and learn lessons not from their teachers but from archaeologists, architects, art historians, etc. Thus, they will be able to differ the approach of knowledge transfer and presentation. During the sightseeing, they will experience the importance of heritage and its educational purpose. The main methods to be used for the site exploration will be based on the three main methods of presentation, interpretation and education in cultural heritage. In regard to presentation, they will learn the most important lessons on the authenticity and value of cultural heritage, as well as the importance of its good management. Dealing with the interpretation they will be introduced to the importance of storytelling as a good method, but only if it is based on quality research, which they will be able to compare and check with their own research conducted for the purpose of piloting. Finally, the importance of cultural heritage in education will be presented with all additional materials, first of all digitalization as one of the most popular tools, as well as various re-enactment techniques.


Pilot program:
The pilot is planned for pupils between the ages of 15 and 19.
We present the Roman values of our city combined with playful tasks, so that the participants get to know each other better. We consider it important to create a community. In addition to the Roman heritage, we will dedicate an important role to gastronomy and fine arts, highlighting the peculiarities of each ancient nation and their contribution to the common heritage. We will point out drama pedagogical methods during the sessions and workshops. Our main objective is that the sessions should be as interactive as possible (TRAME newspaper, short film, handcraft workshops). Participants would be closer to the society of the historic era, its actors and everyday life, using dramatic pedagogical methods with appropriate period costumes and characters. During the pilot program, the students will work in groups on the production of original storytelling related to the archaeological sites.
The main educational steps and methods:
- Using interactive mobile application with 3D models and maps to explore the quartier of the ancient Roman city and its buildings, including three cemeteries of the Roman period.
- Discovering 3D animation films about the stories of the cemetery buildings
- Studying interactive maps of the whole Roman Empire from the 1st to the 4th century AD.
- Learning with swipe application on touchscreen about the dual function of the two storey funerary buildings and the complexity of the early Christian architectural solutions in the late Roman period.
Finally, there will be discussions about the main themes of migration and multiculturalism in the Roman society. On the last day, we will close the program series with the presentation and evaluation of the finished products and the incorporation of the TRAME logo with a flash mob.