Dear colleagues,
Here is our 5th newsletter on the project TRACCE DI MEMORIA – TRAME (2020-1-IT02-KA201-079794), from the ERASMUS+ programme, co-funded by the EU commission. We had some very impressive results in the past two months and we are pleased to share them with you.
TRAME JSTE was held online on the 4th, 9th and 11th of June 2021. The event was hosted by the Association of Cultural Heritage Managers – KÖME (Hungary) with the aim of supporting the joint development of the TRAME educational methodology, and in particular of setting up a common basis for the delivery of pilot courses. It consisted of presentations and workshops dedicated to school teachers and heritage managers that were selected by partner organizations. Some presentations aimed to introduce future steps such as:
- Presentations of the pilot programme drafts and pilot sites in Serbia, Italy and Turkey
- Virtual tour as the introduction of Early Christian Necropolis of Pécs (Sopianae)
- Presentation of the TRAME manual concept
Other presentations were dedicated to the specific topics or methodological and educational approaches developed within the project:
- TRAME and the ancient migrations
- Heritage interpretation, experience design and TRAME
- The elements of the cooperation among teachers and the heritage site
- Teaching teens (How can we make the topic relevant)
- Cooperation and participation of students (in each educational phase)
The Joint Staff Training event helped partners to get to know each other’s perspectives, methods and good practices, as well as to exchange experiences in order to set up a list of common criteria for the definition of pilot programs.

The Round table on TRAME results was an online dissemination event organized on the 2nd of July 2021. It was hosted by Parco archeologico del Colosseo (Italy), Institute of Archaeology (Serbia) and KÖME – Association of Cultural Heritage Managers (Hungary). In total, 17 projects were presented as examples of best practices, with 20 institutions and more than 70 participants from 10 countries taking part in the event. The event proved to be a good opportunity for sharing our results, but also for hearing and learning from the experience of others.
The beginning of the meeting was marked by short and effective presentations on the project TRAME. On behalf of the Parco archeologico del Colosseo, Francesca Boldrighini presented the TRAME project overview, Jelena Anđelković Grašar (Institute of Archaeology) presented the TRAME project communication and dissemination overview, while on behalf of the KÖME – Association of Cultural Heritage, Árpád Bőczén presented the TRAME Intellectual Output 1 – TRAME manual for teachers and heritage managers and introduced following sessions dedicated to the TRAME research on best practices on the national level:
Session 1 was dedicated to the TRAME research on best practices on national level in Turkey. It was moderated by Eda Güzelçiçek, on behalf of the Çatalca District Directorate of National Education. At the session were presented:
- Beril Oytun and Melisa Altikatoğlu – “UÇUP GİTMESİN – Don’t Let It Fly Away – a social Enterprise project”.
- Alpaslan H. Kuzucuoğlu, İstanbul Medeniyet University Department of Information and Document Management and Cultural Heritage Conservation and Research Association (KUMAD).
- Irem Sacar, Fatih Sultan Mehmet Vakif University – KURAM – Research Center for the Conservation of Cultural Property of Foundations.
- Saadet Güner, Friends of Cultural Heritage Association – institutional member of Europa Nostra.
Session 2 was dedicated to TRAME research on best practices on national level in Serbia. It was moderated by Milica Tapavički-Ilić (Institute of Archaeology). At the session were presented:
- Jasmina Davidović, Museum of Srem – Project “The Avars in Sirmium”.
- Tijana Dinić, School of Design – DesigNet – Design Schools Network (supported by CEI Cooperation Fund); International exchange.
- Vladimir Nojković, Archaeological site Lepenski Vir – Project “Journey to the Beginnings”.
- Tijana Stanković Pešterac, MA, Museum of Vojvodina – eMuseum platform.
Session 3 was dedicated to the TRAME research on best practices on national level in Italy. The moderators of the session were Michela Nocita (Liceo Pilo Albertelli, Rome) and Francesca Boldrighini (Ministero della Cultura; Parco archeologico del Colosseo). At the session were presented:
- Dr Francesca Di Pasquale, Ministero della Cultura, Soprintendenza archivistica della Sicilia – Archivio di Stato di Palermo “Multiculturalism and migrations in Sicily through the records of the State Archives of Palermo (XII-XIX Centuries)”.
- Prof.ssa Barbara Antonini, Liceo Cavour, Rome – Project “European multicultural society and citizenship 2012 Project at Liceo Machiavelli”.
- Prof.ssa Silvana Basile, Liceo Pilo Albertelli, Rome – Project “Erasmus Plus STEM in Turkey”.
- Prof. Saverio Paoletta, Istituto Rossellini, Rome – Project “Lampi di Albertelli”.
Session 4 was dedicated to the TRAME research on best practices on national level in Hungary, with moderators Réka Pálóczi and Kálóczi Lola, on behalf of the KÖME – Association of Cultural Heritage Managers. At the session were presented:
- Dániel Poulet, Pazirik Ltd, KÖME – Association of Cultural Heritage Managers, with two presentations: Project “Irregular History Pécs” and Project “Pécs8”.
- Réka Pálóczi, Petofi Literature Museum – School Community Service (SCS).
Session 5 was dedicated to the TRAME research on best practices on national level in Poland, with the moderator Aleksandra Konrad (Faculty of Archaeology, University of Warsaw). At this session were presented:
- Dr Zbigniew Kubiatowski, Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology of the Polish Academy of Sciences – Public institutions in Poland and their role in the promotion of social and educational value of cultural heritage.
- Roksana Chowaniec, Faculty of Archaeology, University of Warsaw with two presentations Biskupin Museum – activities and innovative educational methodology and Best practices on national level – other examples.
Session 6 was intended to present to TRAME similar EU funded projects and their impact on local communities. It was moderated by Ljubomir Jevtović (Institute of Archaeology) and Francesca Pandolfi (Parco archeologico del Colosseo). At this session were presented:
- Aleksandra Nikolić, Urban Development Center (RS) – Project “Heritage Hubs” (The Winner of European Heritage awards /Europa Nostra Awards 2021).
- Zorica Velkovska, Center for Social Innovations BLINK 42-21 (MK) – Project “Immersive Storytelling Driven Cooperation for Cultural Heritage Dissemination in Western Balkans”.
- Milica Marjanović, Institute of Archaeology (RS) – Project “Living Danube Limes – Interreg Danube Transnational Programme”.
- Zorica Velkovska, Milan Tanceski, Center for Social Innovations BLINK 42-21 (MK) – Project “VR Stobi” and Application STOBI EDU.
- Žaneta Hrbková, Gymnázium Antona Bernoláka (SK) – Project “HERitage and CULture”.
- Kathleen Louw, Musée royal de Mariemont (BE) – Project “MITHRA – Mobility and intercultural dialogue for the transmission of heritage from Roman antiquity”.

Members of team TRAME from Çatalca District Directorate of National Education attended the 5th International Conservation, Restoration, Archeology, Museum and Technology Fair & Conference at Lütfi Kırdar International Convention and Exhibition Centre on 23rd of June. The Istanbul Heritage fair entitled “Give a Future to the Past” is the pioneering conservation, restoration, archaeology, museum, technology fair and conference aiming at raising the awareness of the cultural heritage in Turkey, committed to the development of state-of-the-art products, services and technology for its protection.
Supported by the most significant public offices in Turkey such as Turkish Ministry of Culture and Tourism, General Directorate of Cultural Assets and Museums, Head Office for Foundations and Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality, Heritage Istanbul achieves becoming a brand in the industry by bringing together the culture-savvy community with the esteemed specialists and experts at the lively events as conferences, heritage talks and workshops within the presence of the exhibiting leading international companies serving in the museum, archaeology and restoration industries.
TRAME team had great networking opportunities with institutions and individuals working for the sake of cultural heritage. We had the chance to share the TRAME magazine with the participants and also to invite related stakeholders to the TRAME Round Table meeting.
We are happy to participate in İstanbul Heritage and raise our voice on behalf of our great TRAME family.
For more information visit http://expoheritage.com/

Team TRAME from the Institute for Archaeology Belgrade participated in the Viminacium virtual summer school held between the 14th and the 18th of June 2021. Our Jelena Anđelković Grašar PhD illustrated the results of the TRAME project with the presentation: “TRAME Project – Presentation of Cultural Heritage for Future Education”. The summer school was part of the project “Living Danube Limes”, which fosters a common bond in the Danube Region via heritage shared by all Danube countries. The project is funded by the Interreg Danube Transnational Program. The summer school was an exciting opportunity to learn about the use of different methods and new technologies in archaeology. Our team presented the potential of usage of cultural heritage in educational system as the effective way of learning. We at team TRAME believe that this kind of the approach is the most inspiring for future education.