Aleksandar Bošković

Date and place of birth: 5 June 1962, Zemun.

  • Professor of Anthropology, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade and Senior Research Scientist, Institute of Archaeology, Belgrade.
  • Scientific title in Serbo-Croatian: “naučni savetnik” [equivalent to the full Professor, or Professor with Habilitation], conferred by the Ministry of Science of the Republic of Serbia on 26 November 2007.
  • Full Professorship conferred by the University of Belgrade on 14 November 2012.

Contact address: Department of Anthropology

Faculty of Philosophy
Čika Ljubina 18-20
11000 Belgrade, SERBIA

home: Hajduk Stankova 7
11050 Belgrade, SERBIA
telephone – cell: +381 (0)64 2225194
contact: +381 (0)11 2455933


Education (University-level):

Diploma in Philosophy, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Yugoslavia, June 1990. [Title of the degree in Serbo-Croatian “diplomirani filozof.]
M.A. in Anthropology (with the specialization in socio-cultural anthropology), Tulane University, New Orleans (LA), USA, May 1993.
Ph.D. in Social Anthropology, University of St. Andrews, St. Andrews, Scotland, UK, defended on 1 November 1996; awarded in April 1997.


1990 Lepenski Vir (YUGOSLAVIA), one month. Architectural and religious symbolism of the Lepenski Vir culture.

1991 Highland GUATEMALA, three months. Study of Classic Maya ceramics from Tikal and Petexbatún; research on religious symbolism and myths.

1993 Prespa (MACEDONIA), two months. Gender relations.

1994-1995 Ljubljana (SLOVENIA), five months.  Research on feminist groups and gender relations in Slovenia.

1998-2001 Ljubljana (SLOVENIA), three months. Research on feminist groups and gender relations.

2001 Johannesburg (SOUTH AFRICA), three months [archives and library research]. History and theory of anthropology.

2003-2005 Belgrade (SERBIA AND MONTENEGRO), five months. Research on ethnicity and nationalism.

2007-2009 Oslo (Norway), two weeks field research and interviews, three months archive research (total). Norwegian perceptions and representations of Edward Munch as their cultural symbol.

2017-2018 Belgrade (Serbia) and Aberdeen (Scotland, UK), several months archival and library research for the book about William Robertson Smith.


Research interests

Rationality; Contemporary anthropology; History and theory of anthropology; Social theory; Psychoanalysis; Ethnicity and nationalism; Myth and religion; Semiotics.

  • Regional research interests:

Former Yugoslavia (especially Slovenia and Serbia); Balkans; Norway; South Africa; Mesoamerica (especially highland Guatemala); Brazil.

Professional qualifications/memberships

  1. Grants and awards
  • 1990-1993 University Fellowship, Tulane University, New Orleans, USA.
  • 1991 Matilda Geddings Gray Fellowship, Center for Latin American Studies, Tulane University, New Orleans, USA.
  • 1993-1996 University of St. Andrews Research Studentship, St. Andrews, UK.
  • 1996 Radcliffe-Brown Trust Award, Royal Anthropological Institute, London, UK.
  • 1998 Travel Grant, Open Society Fund Yugoslavia, Belgrade, YUGOSLAVIA.
  • 2001-2003 Post-doctoral Research Fellowship, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, SOUTH AFRICA.
  • 2003-2005 JRC Research Grant, Rhodes University, Grahamstown, SOUTH AFRICA.
  • 2003 Grant from the ‘Brain Gain Program’, WUS Austria, Belgrade Office, SERBIA AND MONTENEGRO.
  • 2006, 2011, 2013, 2016 Visiting Research Fellowships at the Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Halle/Saale, GERMANY.
  • 2014 DAAD Research Grant, GERMANY.
  • 2018 Visiting Researcher, School of Education, University of Aberdeen, UK.
  • 2018 Visiting Professorship, Institute of Ethnology, Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland. [deferred]
  • 2018/2019 Research Fellowship, Institute for Advanced Studies, Collegium de Lyon, Lyon, France.
  • 2019 Civil Society Scholar Award (CSSA), Open Society Fund.
  1. Membership in professional organizations
  • 1998-present Association of Social Anthropologists of UK and the Commonwealth (ASA).
  • 1998-present International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences (IUAES).
  • 2000-present Overseas Fellow, Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland (RAI).
  • 2000-present European Association of Social Anthropologists (EASA).
  • 2016-present International Association for Comparative Mythology (IACM).
  • formerly also member of The Prehistoric Society, American Anthropological Association (AAA), Society for American Archaeology (SAA), American Philosophical Association (APA), International Association for Southeast European Anthropology (InASEA), and Union of the Journalists of Serbia (UNS).
  1. Honorary memberships and awards
  • 1991-1993 Associate Editor, Human Mosaic (Tulane University, New Orleans).
  • 1996-1999 Associate Editor, The Belgrade Circle Journal (Belgrade; Yugoslavia).
  • 2008-present Member of the Advisory Board, Antropologija (Belgrade).
  • 2011-present Member of the Advisory Board of the journal Afrika: studije umetnosti i kulture (Museum of African Art, Belgrade).
  • 2011-present Fellow, Centre for Cosmopolitan Studies, University of St Andrews (St Andrews, Scotland, UK).
  • 2012-present Member of the Editorial Board, Association of Social Anthropologists of the UK and Commonwealth (ASA).
  • 2013-2018 Deputy Chair, Commission on Theoretical Anthropology (COTA) of the IUAES; member, Council of Commissions, IUAES.
  • 2016- Series Editor, EASA Book Series, Berghahn Books.
  • 2017- Series Editor, Anthropology’s Ancestors, Berghahn Books.
  • 2018- Member of the Editorial Board, Jagiellonian Studies in Cultural Anthropology, Jagiellonian University, Krakow.

Language skills

  • Mother tongues: Serbo-Croatian and Macedonian.
  • Other languages: English, Portuguese, Spanish (fluent), French, German, Slovenian, Bulgarian (basic communication, reading). Basic reading knowledge of Italian and various other Slavic languages.

Employment history

  1. Academic/ Research:
  • 2019-present Senior Research Scientist, Institute of Archaeology, Belgrade, Serbia. [tenure, full-time].
  • 2013-present Professor of Anthropology, Department of Ethnology and Anthropology, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade, Serbia. [tenure, full-time]
  • 2009-2012 Professor of Anthropology, Department of Ethnology and Anthropology, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade. [contract]
  • 2009-2017 Head of the Center for Political Studies and Public Opinion Research, Institute of Social Sciences, Belgrade.
  • 2003-2019 Senior Research Fellow (until 2007), then Director of Research (“Principal Research Fellow”), Institute of Social Sciences, Belgrade. [tenure, full-time]
  • 2003-2005 Senior Lecturer, Department of Anthropology, Rhodes University, Grahamstown, SOUTH AFRICA.  [contract, full-time]
  • 1994-1996 Part-time Lecturer and Tutor in the Department of Social Anthropology, University of St. Andrews, Scotland, UK.
  1. Academic – visiting appointments:
  • 2017- Professor, Faculty of Applied Science, University of Donja Gorica (UDG), Montenegro.
  • 2016 External examiner, PhD theses, Rhodes University, Grahamstown, SOUTH AFRICA.
  • 2000-2014 Visiting Professor in the Post-graduate Program in Anthropology, Faculty of Social Sciences (FDV), University of Ljubljana, SLOVENIA.
  • 2001-2003 Visiting Researcher (Postdoctoral Research Fellow), Department of Social Anthropology, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, SOUTH AFRICA.
  • 1999-2001 Visiting Associate Professor of European Ethnology in the Department of Anthropology, University of Brasília, BRAZil. [contract, full-time]
  • 1997-1998 Visiting Lecturer (part-time, Winter semester only), Department of Sociology, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade, YUGOSLAVIA. [part-time]
  1. Other
  • 2006-2009 Consultant, UNDP Serbia, several short-term contracts.
  • 2006 (February-July) Program Director, Humanitarian Law Center, Belgrade. [contract, full-time]
  • 1990-1993 Research Assistant, Department of Anthropology, Tulane University, New Orleans, USA.
  • 1984-1985 Editor, Foreign politics section, Student, Belgrade, YUGOSLAVIA.
  • 1983-1990 Freelance journalist, Belgrade.

Courses taught:

undergraduate postgraduate

(Honours’, Masters, and Doctoral-level)


•          Sociology of culture and communication;

•          Anthropology;

•          Introduction to ethnology and anthropology;

•          Methodology of ethnology and anthropology;

•          Anthropology of gender;

•          Sex and gender;

•          Analysis of myths;

•          Anthropology of religion;

•          Religion and ritual;

•          World ethnology: Comparative religion;

•          Anthropological theory;

•          Development of anthropological thought;

•          Individual, culture and society;

•          Anthropology of the Balkans;

•          Anthropology of Europe.


•                      Mythological systems;

•                      Special topics in anthropological theory —

Europe and the construction of identities;

•                      Identities and cultures of Latin America;

•                      Mesoamerican pre-Columbian civilisations;

•                      Nationalism and transformation;

•                      Anthropology and feminism;

•                      Contemporary anthropology;

•                      Theory, data and methods;

•                      History of Anthropology;

•                      Anthropological theory;

•                      Political anthropology.




  1. 2020 William Robertson Smith: A Biography. Anthropology’s Ancestors. New York and Oxford: Berghahn Books. [signed contract; forthcoming]
  2. 2017 Mesoamerican Religions and Archaeology: Essays in Pre-Columbian Civilizations. Archaeopress Pre-Columbian Archaeology, 7. Oxford: Archaeopress. viii + 92 pp, illustrations, glossary, bibliography, index. ISBN 978-1-78491-502-5
  3. 2014 Antropološke perspektive. [Anthropological Perspectives]. Belgrade: Institute of Social Sciences. 152 pp, illustrations, bibliography, indices. ISBN 978-86-7093-150-3
  4. 2010 Kratak uvod u antropologiju. [A Brief Introduction to Anthropology.] Zagreb: Jesenski i Turk. 227 pp, illustrations, bibliography, index. ISBN 978-953-222-369-9
  • 2010 Kratak uvod u antropologiju. [A Brief Introduction to Anthropology.] Belgrade: Službeni 144 pp, bibliography, indices. ISBN 978-86-519-0492-2 [Different version from 4.]
  1. 2006 Mit, politika, ideologija. Ogledi iz komparativne antropologije [Myth, Politics, Ideology: Essays in Comparative Anthropology]. Belgrade: Institute of Social Sciences. 188 pp, illustrations, bibliography, index. ISBN 86-7093-111-7
  2. 2005 Etnologija svakodnevnog života. [Ethnology of Everyday Life.] Belgrade: Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in Serbia. 140 pp, bibliography, indices. ISBN 86-7208-113-7
  3. 1990 Religija i kultura Maja. [Maya Religion and Culture.] Belgrade: Kodeks. 207 pp., illustrations, bibliography. ISBN 86-7575-002-1
  4. 1988 Majanska religija. [Maya Religion.] Belgrade: Opus. 157 pp, illustrations, bibliography, index. ISBN 86-7453-001-X

Edited books

  1. 2018 (with Lilijana Čičkarić) Ka evropskom društvu: ograničenja i perspektive. [Toward a European Society: Limits and Perspectives.] Belgrade: Institute of Social Sciences. 282 pp, tables, bibliography. ISBN 978-86-7093-212-8
  2. 2017 (with Suzana Ignjatović) Individualizam. [Individualism]. Belgrade: Department of Anthropological Research, Institute of Social Sciences. VIII + 225 pp., illustrations, indices. ISBN 978-86-7093-192-3
  3. 2015 (with Milan Vukomanović and Zoran Jovanović) Rečnik božanstava i mitskih ličnosti sveta. [Dictionary of Deities and Mythic Personalities of the World.] Belgrade: Službeni glasnik and Institute of Social Sciences. 416 pp., 37 illustrations, bibliography, indices. ISBN 978-86-519-1238-5
  4. 2013 (with Chris Hann) The Anthropological Field on the Margins of Europe, 1945-1991. Halle Studies in Anthropology of Eurasia, 29. Berlin: Lit Verlag. 392 pp., maps, indices. ISBN 978-3-643-90507-9
  5. 2010 (with Jelena Jablanov Maksimović) Međuetnički odnosi u funkciji pomirenja. [Interethnic Relations in the Function of Reconciliation]. Belgrade: Konrad Adenauer Stiftung and Center for Political Studies and Public Opinion Research. 202 pp. ISBN 978-86-86661-44-9
  6. 2008 Other People’s Anthropologies: Ethnographic Practice on the Margins. Oxford and New York: Berghahn. 240 pp, maps, bibliography, index. ISBN 978-1-84545-398-5 (cloth); ISBN 978-1-84545-702-0 (paperback).
  7. 2000 (edited and translated) Critical Art Ensemble: Digitalni partizani. [CAE: Digital Partisans.] Belgrade: Center for Contemporary Arts.

Co-authored books

  1. 2011 (with Suzana Ignjatović, Dragomir Pantić and Zoran Pavlović) Građanke i građani Srbije o rodnoj ravnopravnosti. Javno mnjenje Srbije o rodnoj ravnopravnosti. [Serbian Citizens on Gender Equality: Public Opinion of Serbia on Gender Equality.] Belgrade: Gender Equality Directorate and Institute of Social Sciences. 103 pp, tables, graphs, bibliography. ISBN 978-86-7704-063-5.

Articles in refereed journals

  1. 2019a Anthropology and Nationalism. American Anthropologist 121 (4) [forthcoming].
  2. 2019b (with Goran Štrkalj and Željka Buturović) Attitudes of Serbian biological anthropologists toward the concept of race. Anthropologie 57(3): 287-297.
  3. 2018a Čitanje kultura. Antropologija, arheologija i razumevanje drevne Mezoamerike. [Reading cultures: Anthropology, archaeology, and understanding ancient Mesoamerica.] Bulletin of the Ethnographic Institute of SASA 66(2): 271-285.
  4. 2018b (with Suzana Ignjatović) O mogućnostima naučnog objašnjenja zasnovanog na metodološkom individualizmu u antropologiji. [Constructing a scientific explanation in anthropology on the principles of methodological individualism.] Issues in Ethnology and Anthropology 13(1): 17-40.
  5. 2015 Ozbiljne igre. Teorija u antropologiji posle 1980-ih. [Serious games. Theory in anthropology since the 1980s.] Issues in Ethnology and Anthropology 10(1): 19-41.
  6. 2014a Sociolog koji nije bio ovde. Racionalnost, antropologija i Raymond Boudon. [The sociologist who wasn’t there: Rationality, anthropology and Raymond Boudon]. Antropologija 2/2014: 53-69.
  7. 2014b Antropolozi kao simboli: Geertz. [Anthropologists as symbols: Geertz.] Issues in Ethnology and Anthropology N.s. Vol. 9(4): 837-848.
  8. 2013a (with Suzana Ignjatović) “Are we there yet?” Citizens of Serbia and public policy of gender equality within EU accession context. European Journal of Women’s Studies 20(4): 425-440.
  9. 2013b Antropologija i demografija. [Anthropology and demography]. Stanovništvo LI (2): 83-94.
  10. 2011 Ratko Mladić: Relativism, myth and reality. Guest Editorial. Anthropology Today 27(4): 1-3.
  11. 2010 Liberalizam, pragmatizam i zdrav razum. [Liberalism, pragmatism, and common sense.] Kultura polisa 13/14: 145-163.
  12. 2009a O duhovima i ogledalima. Prilog proučavanju antropologije razlike. [On ghosts and mirrors: For an anthropology of difference]. Sociologija LI(1): 83-92.
  13. 2009b Vek Levi-Strosa. [A century of Lévi-Strauss.] Bulletin of the Ethnographic Institute of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts 55(1): 261-269.
  14. 2008 Escape from poverty: Obstacles preventing NGOs from becoming fully fledged service providers in the area of social protection in Serbia. Stanovništvo XLVI(1): 71-87.
  1. 2007b Mezi etnologií a antropologií: perspektivy z bývalé Jugoslávie. Czech Sociological Review (Prague) 43(1): 155-160.
    • English version [“Between ethnology and anthropology: Perspectives from former Yugoslavia”] published in Chris Hann (ed.), Anthropology’s Multiple Temporalities and its Future in Central and Eastern Europe, pp. 15-18. Halle: Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology Working Papers, 90, 2007.
    • Reprinted in Bulgarian in Bulgarian Ethnology 4, pp. 94-98, 2007.
  2. 2007c (with Ilana van Wyk) Troubles with identity: South African anthropology, 1921-2005. Anthropological Yearbook of European Cultures 16: 147-156.
  3. 2006 Balkan ghosts revisited: Racism, Serbian style. Anthropos 101(4-6): 559-564.
  4. 2005a Distinguishing ‘self’ and ‘other’: Anthropology and national identity in former Yugoslavia. Anthropology Today 21(2): 8-13.
  5. 2005b (with Ilana van Wyk) Troubles with identity: South African anthropology, 1921-2004. [in Russian] Etnografičeskoe obozrenie (Moscow) 2: 96-101.
  6. 2005c Joyeuses Tropiques: Five encounters with alterities in Brazil. Dialectical Anthropology (Stuttgart) 29(2): 221-239.
  7. 2005d Socio-cultural anthropology today: An overview. Campos 6(1-2): 11-26.
  8. 2005e The image of the Other – Friend, foreigner, patriot? Filozofija i društvo (Belgrade) 3/2005: 95-115.
  9. 2004 Concepts of tolerance in everyday life of the former Yugoslavia. Ethnologia Balkanica (München) 8: 79-89.
  10. 2003a Michel Leiris: Ethnologist in search of meanings. Anthropos 98(4-6): 526-529.
  11. 2003b Phantoms of “Africa”. Michel Leiris and the anthropology of the continent. Gradhiva (Paris) 34: 1-6.
  12. 2002a Anthropological perspectives on myth. Anuário Antropológico (Rio de Janeiro) 99: 103-144.
  13. 2002b Socio-kulturna antropologija danas. [Socio-cultural anthropology today]. Sociologija XLIV(4): 329-342.
  14. 2002c Clifford Geertz: Writing and interpretation. Sociologija XLIV(1): 41-55.
  15. 2001 Out of Africa: Images of women in anthropology and popular culture. Etnolog (Ljubljana) 11: 177-183.
  16. 2000 Multiculturalismo e o fim da história. Pós (Brasília) 4: 9-19.
  17. 1999 Não há lugar como o nosso lar: Antropologia, Multiculturalismo e Novas Tecnologias. Imaginário (São Paulo) número 5: 95-104.
  18. 1998a Belgrade Burning? CTheory Vol. 21, No. 3 (Event-Scene, 67). [Published in Turkish in Birikim 121, pp. 69-71, May 1999.]
  19. 1998b Postmodernizam, antropologija i zdrav razum. [Postmodernism, anthropology, and common sense]. Sociologija XL (2): 211-232.
  20. 1997a Vinko Paletin’s discovery of the New World. Anthropos 92(1-3): 200-205.
  21. 1997b Virtual places: Imagined boundaries and hyperreality in Southeastern Europe. CTheory Vol. 20, No. 3, Article 54.
  22. 1996 Clifford Geertz in literarni obrat v sodobni antropologiji. [Clifford Geertz and the “Literary turn” in contemporary anthropology]. Časopis za kritiko znanosti (Ljubljana) No. 179, pp. 107-114.
  23. 1995 Great Goddesses of the Aztecs: Their meaning and functions. Indiana (Berlin) Vol. 12, pp. 9-13.
  24. 1992 In the age of the Fifth Sun: Jacques Soustelle’s studies of Aztec religion. Anthropos 87(4-6): 533-537.
  25. 1989 The meaning of Maya myths. Anthropos 84(1-3): 203-212.
  26. 1988 Mit o rođenju Uinala. [Myth of the birth of the Uinal]. Bulletin of the Ethnographic Institute of the SASA Vol. 36-37, pp. 131-138.

Chapters in books

  1. 2018 Some implications of the Saussure’s concept of linguistic sign. In: Miriam Pillar Grossi, Simone Lira da Silva, Ivi Porfirio, Caroline Amábile Vale dos Santos, Gabriel Darío López Zamora, Gabriela Alano Tertuliano, Maria Luiza Scheren and Filipe Tchinene Calueio (eds.), Conference Proceedings 18th IUAES World Congress, pp. 151-161. Florianópolis: Tribo da Ilha.
  2. 2017 Individualizam u antropologiji. [Individualism in anthropology]. In: Suzana Ignjatović and A. Bošković (eds.), Individualizam, pp. 4-25. Belgrade: Department of Anthropological Research, Institute of Social Sciences.
  3. 2017 Serbia and the surplus of history: Being small, large, and small again. In: Ulf Hannerz and Andre Gingrich (eds.), Small Countries: Structures and Sensibilities, pp. 195-209. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.
  4. 2017 Globalization and its discontents. In: Veselin Vukotić et al. (eds.), Globalizacija i izolacionizam, pp. 74-82. Belgrade: Center for Economic Research and Institute of Social Sciences.
  5. 2017 (with Suzana Ignjatović) Gender equality in Serbia. In: Anders Örtenblad, Raili Marling and Snježana Vasiljević (eds.), Gender Equality in a Global Perspective, pp. 198-223. New York and London: Routledge.
  6. 2015 Escape from the future: Anthropological practice and everyday life. In: Maria Couroucli and Tchavdar Marinov (eds.), Balkan Heritages, pp. 229-245. London: Ashgate.
  7. 2015 (with Milan Vukomanović) Predgovor. Mit – definicije i tumačenja. [Foreword. Myth – definitions and interpretations.] In: A. Bošković, M. Vukomanović and Z. Jovanović (eds.), Rečnik božanstava i mitskih ličnosti sveta [Dictionary of Deities and Mythic Personalities of the World], pp. 9-15. Belgrade: Službeni glasnik and Institute of Social Sciences.
  8. 2015 Anthropologist as political actor. In: Bedřich, Adam, Tomáš Retka (eds.). Rytíř z Komárova – K 70. narozeninám Petra Skalníka / Knight from Komárov – To Petr Skalník for his 70th birthday, pp. 13-20. Prague: AntropoWeb.
  9. 2014 Dometi kritike liberalizma. [The scope of the critique of liberalism]. In V. Vukotić et al (eds.), (Anti)liberalizam i ekonomija, 331-338. Belgrade: Institute of Social Sciences.
  10. 2013 Afterword: Words and things, anthropologies and ethnologies. In: Aleksandar Bošković and Chris Hann (eds.), The Anthropological Field on the Margins of Europe, 1945-1991, pp. 359-365. Berlin: Lit Verlag.
  11. 2013 (with Thomas Hylland Eriksen) Introduction [Other People’s Anthropologies]. In: Paul A. Ericksen & Liam D. Murphy (eds.), Readings from a History of Anthropological Theory, 4th edition, pp. 562-574. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
  12. 2011 (with Darko Gavrilović and Vjekoslav Perica) Myths, political mythologies and nationalism. In: Darko Gavrilović and Vjekoslav Perica (eds.), Political Myths in the Former Yugoslavia and Successor States: A Shared Narrative, pp. 13-19. Dordrecht: IHJR and Republic of Letters.
  13. 2010 Međuetnički odnosi – perspektive i ograničenja. [Interethnic relations – perspectives and limitations]. In: Aleksandar Bošković and Jelena Jablanov Maksimović (eds.), Međuetnički odnosi u funkciji pomirenja, pp. 191-198. Belgrade: Konrad Adenauer Stiftung and Center for Political Studies and Public Opinion Research.
  14. 2010 Zarobljeni identiteti: između “Balkana” i “Evrope”. [Captured identities: Between “Balkans” and “Europe”]. In: Drago Roksandić and Ivana Cvijović Javorina (eds.), Desničini susreti 2005.-2008. Zbornik radova, pp. 202-213. Zagreb: Plejada and Filozofski fakultet u Zagrebu.
  15. 2010 Jezik, razlike, politike. [Language, differences, policies]. In: Jelena Filipović et al., Okrugli sto na temu rodno osetljivih jezičkih politika, pp. 75-81. Belgrade: Ministry of Labour and Social Policy.
  16. 2010 We are all indigenous now: Culture vs Nature in representations of the Balkans. In: Deborah James, Evie Place and Christina Toren (eds.), Culture Wars: Context, Models, and Anthropologists’ Accounts, pp. 86-96. New York and Oxford: Berghahn Books.
  17. 2010 Mit, politika i ideologija: neke teorijske pretpostavke. [Myth, politics and ideology: Some theoretical remarks.] In: Darko Gavrilović (ed.), Facing the Past, Searching for the Future: The History of Yugoslavia in the 20th Century, pp. 11-26. Sremska Kamenica: Faculty of European Legal-Political Studies and The Hague: Institute for Historical Justice and Reconciliation.
  18. 2009 Pojam javnog mnenja u „tradicionalnim zajednicama“. [The concept of public opinion in “traditional communities.”] In: Dragomir Pantić (ed.), Glas naroda. Rasprave o javnom mnenju, pp. 63-73. Belgrade: Institute of Social Sciences.
  19. 2008 Anthropology in unlikely places: Yugoslav ethnology between the past and the future. In: Aleksandar Bošković (ed.), Other People’s Anthropologies: Anthropological Practice on the Margins, pp. 156-168. New York and Oxford: Berghahn Books.
  20. 2008 (with Thomas Hylland Eriksen) Introduction: Other People’s Anthropologies. In: Aleksandar Bošković (ed.), Other People’s Anthropologies: Anthropological Practice on the Margins, pp. 1-19. New York and Oxford: Berghahn Books.
  21. 2007 On ghosts and mirrors: For an anthropology of difference. In: Agata Rogoś (ed.), Artist in Wonderland, pp. 98-111. Gdansk: Baltic Sea Cultural Centre. [Polish translation published in the same book; pp. 82-97.]
  22. 2007 Telling stories: Or, on social sciences in contemporary world. In Rajko Muršič and Jaka Repič (eds.): Places of Encounter: In Memoriam Borut Brumen, pp. 315-317. Ljubljana: Faculty of Philosophy, Department of Ethnology and Anthropology.
  23. 2007 Nacionalizam kao sudbina: neki stavovi srpskih intelektualaca o raspadu Jugoslavije. [Nationalism as destiny: Some views of Serb intellectuals on the breakup of Yugoslavia.] In: Mirjana Rašević and Zorica Mršević (eds.), Pomeramo granice, pp. 67-80. Belgrade: Institute of Social Sciences.
  24. 2006 Anthropology and deconstruction: Saussure, Derrida, and the interpretation of linguistic sign. In: Antropologichni izsledvanya Vol. VI: 155-167, Edited by Magdalena Elchinova. Sofia: New Bulgarian University. [in Bulgarian]
  25. 2006 Virtual Balkans: Imagined boundaries, hyperreality and playing rooms. In: The Absolute Report, pp. 76-89. Frankfurt am Main: Revolver.
  26. 2005 Derrida’s critique of Saussure’s concept of linguistic sign. [in Serbo-Croatian] In: Petar Bojanić (ed.), Glas i pismo: Žak Derida u odjecima, pp. 105-111. Belgrade: Institute of Philosophy and Social Theory.
  27. 2005 Anthropology and related sciences – methodologies and perspectives. [in Serbo-Croatian] In: Zbornik radova Etnografskog instituta SANU 21, pp. 77-86. Belgrade: Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts.
  28. 2005 Events unpleasant for “our cause.” [in Serbo-Croatian] In: Slobodan Kostić (ed.), Hag među nama, pp. 131-132. Belgrade: Humanitarian Law Center.
  29. 2005 Serbia between Europe and the “Sava” center. [in Serbo-Croatian] In: Slobodan Kostić (ed.), Hag među nama, pp. 265-266. Belgrade: Humanitarian Law Center.
  30. 2004 Tolerance and alterity in Southeastern Europe. In: Dane R. Gordon and David C. Durst (eds.), Civil Society in Southeast Europe, pp. 127-133. Amsterdam and New York: Rodopi.
  31. 2003 Virtualni Balkan. In: Dušan I. Bjelić and Obrad Savić (eds.), Balkan kao metafora: Između fragmentacije i globalizacije, pp. 395-404. Belgrade: Belgrade Circle. [in Serbo-Croatian]
  32. 2000 The Other in anthropology and cultural studies. In: David Fisher and Sarah Fowler (eds.), The Image of the Other: The Perception and Representation of the Others, pp. 9-20. Skopje: Foundation Open Society Institute.
  33. 2000b Strategije otpora u digitalnoj eri. [Strategies of resistance in the digital age.] Introduction in: Aleksandar Bošković (ed.), Critical Art Ensemble: Digitalni partizani, pp. 4-8. Belgrade: Centar za savremenu umetnost.
  34. 1999 Tolerance and understanding. In: Bożidar Jakšić (ed.), Tolerance, pp. 195-203. Belgrade: XX vek and Republika.
  35. 1998a The age of innocence. In: Bożidar Jakšić (ed.), Interculturality versus Racism and Xenophobia, pp. 127-138, Belgrade: Forum for Ethnic Relations.
  36. 1998b Gender, equality and difference in Prespa, Republic of Macedonia. In: David C. Durst, Maria Dimitrova, Alexander Gungov, and Borislava Vassileva (eds.), Resurrecting the Phoenix: Proceedings from the Conference on Civil Society in South Eastern Europe: Ethical and Philosophical Perspectives, pp. 341-350. Sofia: EOS.
    • [Revised version published in English and in Serbo-Croatian in The Belgrade Circle Journal, Issue 3-4/1996 and 1-2/1997, “Spectre of Nation,” pp. 457-464, Belgrade, 2001.]
  1. 1997 Hyperreal Serbia. In: Arthur and Marylouise Kroker (eds.), Digital Delirium, pp. 143-144. Montréal: New World Perspectives. Published in the U.S. by St. Martin’s Press, New York.
  2. 1995 William Robertson Smith and the anthropological study of myth. In: William Johnstone (ed.), William Robertson Smith: Essays in Reassessment, pp. 303-310. Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press.

Review essays [all in refereed journals]

  1. 2016 A very personal anthropology of Mary Douglas. Anthropological Notebooks 22(1): 119-123.
  2. 2015 Pisati istoriju. Ili: istorija antropologije kao antropološki problem. [Writing history. Or: history of anthropology as an anthropological problem]. Etnološka tribina (Zagreb) 45/38: 150-160.
  3. 2013 Kapferer, Bruce, et al., Legends of People, Myths of State, 2nd 2012; Hobart, Angela, and Bruce Kapferer (eds.), Contesting the State, 2012. Zeitschrift für Ethnologie 138(2): 301-306.
  4. 2012 [with Suzana Ignjatović] Understanding ethnic conflicts through rational choice: a review article. Ethnos 77(2): 289-295.
  5. 2009 Kraj jedne epohe – Leszek Kolakowski (1927-2009) [The end of an epoch – Leszek Kolakowski]. Treći program III/IV (Nos. 143-144): 454-457.
  6. 2007a “World Anthropologies” and anthropologies in the world: Three perspectives. A review essay. Anthropos 102: 230-234.
  7. 2007b Kliford Gerc: jedna karijera. [Clifford Geertz: A career.] Bulletin of the Ethnographic Institute of the SASA 55(1): 245-251.
  8. 2003 Review article of: Jane Cowan (organizadora), Macedonia, London, 2000. Campos (Curitiba) 4: 207-210.
  9. 2002 The “Intersubjective turn” and the question of subject in contemporary anthropology: A review article. Campos 2: 55-65.
  10. 2001 Intersubjectivity and the Anthropological Project. Michael Jackson, Minima Ethnographica: Intersubjectivity and the Anthropological Project, Chicago, 1999. Cultural Dynamics 13(2): 245-249.

Edited issues of journals

  1. 2008 Kliford Gerc. [Clifford Geertz.] Kultura (Belgrade), Nos. 118-119, pp. 1- 220.
  2. 1989 Religija i umetnost Olmeka. [Olmec Religion and Art.] Vidici (Belgrade) Nos. 261/262, pp. 5-73.
  3. 1988a Tumačenje mita. [Interpreting Myths.] Special program at the Treći program Radio Beograda from 7 to 28 April.
  4. 1988b Tumačenje mita. [Interpreting Myths.] Polja (Novi Sad) No. 355, pp. 409-416.
  5. 1987 Čovek i mit. [Man and Myth.] Vidici Nos. 251/252, pp. 6-116.
  6. 1986 Drevne civilizacije. [Ancient Civilizations.] Polja No. 334, pp. 520-539.

Dictionary and Encyclopedia entries

  1. 2016 Images of gender and sexuality: Southern Africa. In: Nancy Naples (gen. ed.), Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Gender and Sexuality Studies.
  2. 2-152. 2015 Entries on deities and mythic personalities for sections “America”, “Europe and Anatolia”, “India and Iran”, and including all entries on Australian and African deities and heroes (“Africa, Australia and Oceania”). In: A. Bošković, M. Vukomanović and Z. Jovanović (eds.), Rečnik božanstava i mitskih ličnosti sveta. [Dictionary of Deities and Mythic Personalities of the World.] Belgrade: Službeni glasnik and Institute of Social Sciences. (a total of 151 entries)  [in Serbo-Croatian]
  3. 153-162. 2007 Entries “Clan,” “Cult,” “Ethnography,” “Ethnology,” “Genealogy,” “Polyandry,” “Polygamy,” “Potlatch,” “Taboo,” and “Witchcraft.” In: Aljoša Mimica and Marija Bogdanović (eds.), Dictionary of Sociology. Belgrade: Zavod za udžbenike i nastavna sredstva. (10 entries) [in Serbo-Croatian]
  4. 163-170. 2004 Entries “Clifford, James T.”,  “Hammond-Tooke, W. D.”, “Leiris, Michel,” “Lévi-Strauss, Claude,” “Nadel, S. F.”,  “Rivers, W. H. R.”, “Thornton, Robert J.”, and “Tylor, E. B.”  In: Vered Amit (ed.), Biographical Dictionary of Social and Cultural Anthropology. London and New York: Routledge. (8 entries)

Other articles

  1. 2017 Humanity in the Anthropocene: Anthropological Perspectives on the Changing World. In: CIPSH and UNESCO, Challenges and Responsibilities for a Planet in Transition: Proceedings of the World Humanities Conference, Liège, Belgium 6-11 August 2017, pp. 275-279. Paris, Mação: CIPSH-UNESCO, ITM.
  2. 2016 CA Comment. In: Chris Hann, The Concept of Eurasia. Current Anthropology 57(1): 11-12.
  3. 2013 Predstavljanje tela u Južnoj Africi [Representing the body in South Africa]. Afrika. Studije umetnosti i kulture 2, pp. 66-83.
  4. 2012 The question of morality: ‘The Starry Heavens Above Me’ and everyday life in the Balkans. Forum Bosnae 55/12, pp. 128-132.
  5. 2010 Leszek Kolakowski (1927-2009). Forum Bosnae 51/10, pp. 365-368.
  6. 2009 The trouble with multiculturalism (Multiculturalism, Norwegian style). Forum Bosnae 46/08, pp. 91-100.
  7. 2008 Kliford Gerc: od teorije kulture ka tumačenju sveta. [Clifford Geertz: From theory of culture to the interpretation of the world.] Kultura (Belgrade) Nos. 118-119, pp. 9-18. [in Serbo-Croatian]
  8. 2006 Introducing other anthropologies. Journal of the World Anthropology Network 2: 127-132.
  9. 2003 Balkan, Jugoistočna Evropa ili „Evropa“: Kulturni aspekti konstrukcije identiteta u Srbiji i Crnoj gori. [Balkans, Southeastern Europe, or “Europe”: Cultural aspects of the construction of identities in Serbia and Montenegro.] Broadcasted on the Radio Belgrade’s Third Program, exact date and time unknown.
  10. 2002a Identiteti i razlike: Philip K. Dick i popularna kultura. [Identities and differences: Philip K. Dick and popular culture.] Zarez (Zagreb) No. 93, p. 26.
  11. 2002b Multiculturalism and the end of history: The South African version. [in Serbo-Croatian translation]. Habitus (Novi Sad) 6-7: 11-22. [See also 20. in the Articles published in refereed journals.]
    Serbian version published in Košava Nos. 32/33, pp. 38-41, 1997.
    Revised Macedonian version published in Margina (Skopje) No. 36 (2/97), pp. 142-149, 1997.
  1. 2001 Gender, equality and difference in Prespa, Republic of Macedonia. The Belgrade Circle Journal [see Chapters in Books, 1998b].
  2. 2000a The other side of the window: Gender and difference in Prespa, Republic of Macedonia. Série Antropologia, 269. Brasília: Departamento de Antropologia, Universidade de Brasília.
  • Reprinted in Habitus (Goias) 2(1): 93-133, 2004.
  1. 2000c The “Intersubjective turn” in contemporary anthropology. Série Antropologia, 287. Brasília: Departamento de Antropologia, Universidade de Brasília.
  2. 2000d O mal-estar na globalização. Série Antropologia, 288. Brasília: Departamento de Antropologia, Universidade de Brasília.
  3. 1999a What’s in a name? Feminist discourses in the Republic of Slovenia. Série Antropologia, 254. Brasília: Departamento de Antropologia, Universidade de Brasília.
  4. 1999b Virtual Balkans: Imagined boundaries, hyperreality and playing Rooms. Série Antropologia, 262. Brasília: Departamento de Antropologia, Universidade de Brasília. Reprinted in Habitus (Goiânia) 1(2): 317-329, 2003.
  5. 1998 “Vsaka ima svoj faktor”: Body construction and consumption in Southeastern Europe. New Moment Nos. 9-10: 94-97.
  6. 1989a Usmena književnost Maja. [Oral literature of the Mayas.] Književna reč No. 341, p. 6.
  7. 1989b Uvodna napomena. [Introduction.] Vidici 261/262: 7-8.
  8. 1989c Na tragu potomaka jaguara. [On the trail of the Jaguar’s children.] Vidici 261/262: 65-72.
  9. 1988a Razumeti mit. [To understand a myth.] Broadcasted on the Treći program Radio Beograda, April 7, from 22:52h. Published in Polja No. 355, pp. 409-410.
  10. 1988b Kecalkoatl/ “Pernata zmija”. [Quetzalcoatl/ “Feathered Serpent.”] Književna reč No. 330, p. 13.
  11. 1987 Čovek – Mit – Vreme. [Man – Myth – Time.] Vidici Nos. 251/252, pp. 65-77.
  12. 1986a Poetika nadrealnog: Divlji mač Konana Varvarina.[Poetics of the surreal: The savage sword of Conan the Barbarian.] Književna reč (Belgrade) No. 273, p. 26.
  13. 1986b Quetzalcoatl – Kukulcan – Paleuleukang. Polja (Novi Sad) No. 327, pp. 248-250.
  14. 1986c Lunarna simbolika u istoriji religija. [Lunar symbolism in the history of religions.] Polja No. 332, pp. 427-428.
  15. 1984 Kultovi, misterije, filozofija. Mitologija kao jedan od puteva saznanja. [Cults, mysteries, philosophy: Mythology as a way of knowing.] Vidici 234, pp. 200-204.
  16. 1983 Logos kao Mera. [Logos as a Measure.] Student No. 23, p. 14.

Book reviews:*

  1. 1984 Poklonjenje bajci. [S/C] Review of Iring Fetcher, Ko je Trnovu Ružicu poljupcem probudio? SIC, Beograd, 1984. Student XLVII(20): 16.
  2. 1985a Čudesni svet Frenka Herberta. [S/C] Review of Frank Herbert, Jeretici Dine I-II, Beograd, 1985. Student XLVIII(18): 17.
  3. 1985b Na tragu ljudske konačnosti. [S/C] Review of Mircea Eliade, Šamanizam, Matica srpska, Novi Sad, 1985. Komunist No. 1498, 13 December, p. 25.
  4. 1986a Filozofija ljudske kulture. [S/C] Review of Ernst Cassirer, Filozofija simboličkih oblika I-III, Književna zajednica Novog Sada, Novi Sad, 1985. Vidici Nos. 247-250, pp. 311-315.
  5. 1986b Mogućnosti ironije. [S/C] Review of the Vidici Numbers 247-250. Književna reč No. 289, p. 26.
  6. 1986c Linda Schele and Mary Ellen Miller, The Blood of Kings: Dynasty and Ritual in Maya Art, Fort Worth and London, 1986. [S/C] Bulletin of the Ethnographic Institute SASA XXXV, pp. 139-143.
  7. 1987a Stepenici od žada: poreklo i značenje astečke religije. [S/C] Review of Burr Cartwright Brundage, The Jade Steps: A Ritual Life of the Aztecs, Salt Lake City, 1985. Broadcasted on 27 January on the Radio Belgrade’s Treći program from 23:00hours.
  8. 1987b O znanju i moći. [S/C] Review of Necahulakojotl, Izgladneli kojot, Bagdala, Kruševac, 1986. Vidici Nos. 253-254, pp. 254-256.
  9. 1987c Walter Burkert, Greek Religion, Cambridge (MA), 1985. [S/C] Starinar (Beograd) XXXVII, pp. 226-228.
  10. 1988a Josephine Flood, Archaeology of the Dreamtime, Sydney and London, 1983. [S/C] Aletheia (Beograd), pp. 125-127.
  11. 1988b Miguel Rivera Dorado, La religión maya, Madrid, 1986. [S/C] Bulletin of the Ethnographic Institute SASA XXXVI-XXXVII, pp. 177-179.
  12. 1989a Elizabeth Hill Boone (ed.), The Aztec Templo Mayor: A Symposium at Dumbarton Oaks, 8th and 9th October 1983, Washington, 1987. Anthropos 84(4-6): 580.
  13. 1989b Rubén Bonifaz Nuño, Imagen de Tláloc, México, 1989. Anthropos 84(4-6): 633.
  14. 1989c Emma Sánchez Montañes, La cerámica precolombina: El barro que los indios hicieron arte, Madrid, 1988; Andrés Ciudad, Los mayas: El pueblo de los sacerdotes sabios, Madrid, 1988. [S/C] Bulletin of the Ethnographic Institute SASA XXXVIII, pp. 230-232.
  15. 1989d Branimir Gabričević, Studije i članci o religijama i kultovima antičkog svijeta, Književni krug, Split, 1987. [S/C] Bulletin of the Ethnographic Institute SASA XXXVIII, pp. 241-242.
  16. 1990 Géza Róheim, Children of the Desert II: Myths and Dreams of the Aborigines of Central Australia, edited and introduced by John Morton and Werner Muensterberger, Sydney, 1988. Anthropos 85(1-3): 262.
  17. 1991a Linda Schele and David Freidel, A Forest of Kings: The Untold Story of the Ancient Maya, New York, 1990. Human Mosaic (New Orleans) 25(1-2): 96-97.
  18. 1991b Didier Boremanse, Contes et mythologie des Indiens Lacandons — Contribution a l‘étude de la tradition orale maya, Paris, 1986. Glasnik slovenskega etnološkega društva [Bulletin of the Slovene Ethnological Society] 29 (3-4): 216-217. [1989]
  19. 1992a Inua — Eskimi s obala Beringovog mora. [Inua – The Bering Sea Eskimos.] Glasnik slovenskega etnološkega društva 30(1-4): 91-93. [1990]
  20. 1992b Davíd Carrasco, Religions of Mesoamerica: Cosmovision and Ceremonial Centers, San Francisco, 1990. Anthropos 87(4-6): 568.
  21. 1992c Rudolf van Zantwijk and Edwin Braakhuis (eds.), Mesoamerican Dualism/ Dualismo mesoamericano, Utrecht, 1990. Anthropos 87(4-6): 645.
  22. 1992d Greg Urban, A Discourse-Centered Approach to Culture: Native South American Myths and Rituals, Austin, 1991. Human Mosaic 26(2): 95-96.
  23. 1992e Review of the 5th Simposio de Arqueología Guatemalteca (Guatemala City, 15-18 July 1991). PAST (London) no. 13, pp. 11-12, July 1992.
  24. 1993a Review of Jean Baudrillard, Amerika, Buddy Books, 1991. [S/C] Vreme (Beograd), No. 154, p. 51.
  25. 1993b Sabrana dela Ernsta Kasirera. [S/C] (A note on the project of the Collected Works of Ernst Cassirer.) Vreme, 28 June 1993, p. 51.
  26. 1993c Johannes Fabian, Time and the Work of Anthropology: Critical Essays 1971-1991, Philadelphia, 1991. Anthropos 88(4-6): 581-582.
  27. 1993d Flora S. Clancy and Peter D. Harrison (eds.), Vision and Revision in Maya Studies, Albuquerque, 1991. American Antiquity (Washington) 58(3): 591-592.
  28. 1993e André Leroi-Gourhan (ed.), Dictionnaire de la prèhistoire, Paris, 1988; Pierre Bonte and Michel Izard (eds.), Dictionnaire de l’éthnologie et de l’anthropologie, Paris, 1991. American Antiquity 58(4): 793.
  29. 1994 James Sexton (transl. and ed.), Mayan Folktales: Folklore from Lake Atitlán, Guatemala, New York, 1992. Anthropos 89(1-3): 305.
  30. 1995a Richard E. Blanton et al., Ancient Mesoamerica: A Comparison of Change in Three Regions, 2nd ed., Cambridge, 1993. Anthropos 90(1-3): 247-248.
  31. 1995b Nigel Rapport, The Prose and the Passion: Anthropology, Literature, and the Writing of E. M. Forster, Manchester, 1994. Anthropos 90(4-6): 637-638.
  32. 1995c Milan Vukomanović, Rani hrišćanski mitovi, Naučna knjiga, Beograd, 1992. [S/C] Bulletin of the Ethnographic Institute SASA XLIV, p. 340.
  33. 1995d Robert J. Sharer and David C. Grove (eds.), Regional Perspectives on the Olmec, Cambridge, 1989. [S/C] Bulletin of the Ethnographic Institute SASA XLIV, pp. 340-341.
  34. 1996a Mondher Kilani, L’invention de l’autre: Essais sur le discours anthropologique, Lausanne, 1994. Anthropos 91(1-3): 262-263.
  35. 1996b Eva Bahovec (ed.), Od ženskih študij k feministični teoriji, Ljubljana, 1993. [S/C] Bulletin of the Ethnographic Institute SASA XLV, pp. 176-177.
  36. 1997a William Robertson Smith, Lectures on the Religion of the Semites, Second and Third Series, Edited with an introduction and appendix by J. Day, Sheffield, 1995. Anthropos 92(4-6): 647-648.
  37. 1997b Searching for a dialogue in the Balkans. Review of: Mient Jan Faber (ed.), Balkans: The Religious Backyard of Europe, Ravenna, 1996. The Belgrade Circle Journal, Issue 3. http//
  38. 1998a Kosovska enigma. [S/C] Review of: Bahri Cani and Cvijetin Milivojević (eds.), Kosmet ili Kosova, Beograd, 1996, and Srpsko-albanski dijalog, Ulcinj, 23-25 jun 1997, Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in Serbia, Beograd, 1997. Biblioteka Alexandria (Beograd), April 1998, I (1).
  40. 1998b Brodolomnici na moru istorije. [S/C] Review article of Tim Judah, The Serbs: History, Myth, and the Destruction of Yugoslavia, New Haven, 1997. Biblioteka Alexandria, May 1998, I(2): 6-9.
  41. 1998c Zamke geopolitike. [S/C] Review article of Radha Kumar, Divide and Fall? Bosnia in the Annals of Partition, London, 1997. Biblioteka Alexandria 4/5: 35.
  42. 1998d Ladislav Holy, The Little Czech and the Great Czech Nation: National Identity and the Post-Communist Transformation of Society, Cambridge, 1996. Anthropos 93(4-6): 614-615.
  43. 1999 Mary Cross (ed.), Advertising and Culture: Theoretical Perspectives, Westport, 1996. Social Anthropology 7(1): 93-94.
  44. 2000 Niklas Luhmann, Love as Passion: The Codification of Intimacy, Stanford, 1998. and Niklas Luhmann, Observations on Modernity, Stanford, 1998. Sociological Research Online 5(2).
  45. 2001a Renata Salecl, (Per)versions of Love and Hate, London and New York, 1998. Anthropological Theory 1(1): 137-138.
  46. 2001b State — who needs it? Review of: John T. Sanders and Jan Narveson (eds.), For and Against the State: New Philosophical Readings, Lanham (MD) and London, 1996. The Belgrade Circle Journal, Nos. 3-4/1996 and 1-2/1997, pp. 745-746.
  47. 2001c Buden’s barricades. Review of: Boris Buden, Barikade, Zagreb, 1996. The Belgrade Circle Journal, Nos. 3-4/1996 and 1-2/1997, pp. 747-748.
  48. 2001d Uli Linke, Blood and Nation: The European Aesthetics of Race, Philadelphia, 1999. Anthropos 96(2): 635-636.
  49. 2002a Victor de Munck, Culture, Self and Meaning, Westport, 1999. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 8(1): 189-190.
  50. 2002b Robert Segal, Theorizing about Myth, Boston: University of Massachusetts Press, 1999. Anthropological Theory 2(2):260-261.
  51. 2003a C. W. Watson, Multiculturalism, Buckingham and Philadelphia, 2000. Anthropological Theory 3(1): 135-136.
  52. 2003b Jane K. Cowan (ed.), Macedonia: The Politics of Identity and Difference, London, 2000. Anthropological Theory 3(2): 255-256.
  53. 2004 Martine Segalen (ed.), Ethnologie. Concepts et aires culturelles, Paris, 2001. Social Anthropology 12(3): 388-389.
  54. 2006 Thomas Hylland Eriksen, What is Anthropology?, London, 2004. Social Anthropology 14(3): 407-408.
  55. 2007a Andrews, E. Wyllys, and William L. Fash (eds), Copán: The History of an Ancient Maya Kingdom, Santa Fe, 2005. Anthropos 102: 245-246.
  56. 2007b Rihtman-Auguštin, Dunja, Ethnology, Myth and Politics: Anthropologizing Croatian Ethnology, edited by Jasna Čapo-Žmegač, Aldershot, 2004. Anthropos 102(4-6): 643-644.
  57. 2009a Grant, Bruce, and Lale Yalçin-Heckmann (eds.), Caucasus Paradigms: Anthropologies, Histories and the Making of a World Area, Münster, 2007. Anthropos 104 (4-6): 590.
  58. 2009b Hunt, Robert C., Beyond Relativism: Rethinking Comparability in Cultural Anthropology, Lanham, 2007. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 15(4): 878-879.
  59. 2010 Rabinow, Paul, Marking Time: On the Anthropology of the Contemporary, Princeton, 2008. Social Anthropology 18(1): 103-105.
  60. 2010 Parkin, David & Stanley Ulijaszek (eds.), Holistic Anthropology: Emergence and Convergence, Oxford, 2007. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute (N.S.) 16(1): 200-201.
  61. 2010 Pine, Frances, and João de Pina-Cabral (eds.), On the Margins of Religion, Oxford, 2008. Social Anthropology 18(3): 372-373.
  62. 2011 Gamio, Manuel, Forjando patria (pro nacionalismo) (Forging a Nation), translated and edited by Fernando Armstrong-Fumero, Boulder, 2010. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute (N.S.) 17(1): 187.
  63. 2011 Stølen, Kristi Anne, Guatemalans in the Aftermath of Violence: The Refugees Return, Philadelphia, 2007. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute (N.S.) 17(1): 218-219.
  64. 2011 De Heusch, Luc, Pouvoir et religion (Pour reconcilier l’Histoire et l’anthropologie), Paris, 2009. Social Anthropology 19(3): 344-346.
  65. 2012 Johler, Reinhard, Christian Marchetti and Monique Scheer (eds.), Doing Anthropology in Wartime and War Zones: World War I and the Cultural Sciences in Europe, Bielefeld 2009. Anthropos 107(1-3): 272-273.
  66. 2013 Gledhill, John & Patience A. Schell (eds). New approaches to resistance in Brazil and Mexico, London and Durham, N.C., 2012. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute (N.S.) 19(1): 201-202.
  67. 2013 Hodder, Ian (ed). Archaeological Theory Today, 2nd ed., Cambridge, 2012. Social Anthropology 21(2): 262-263.
  68. 2014 Ingold, Tim, Making: Anthropology, Archaeology, Art and Architecture, London, 2013. Social Anthropology 22(1): 125-126.
  69. 2014 Foias, Antonia E., Ancient Maya Political Dynamics, Gainesville, 2013. Anthropos 109(1): 278-279.
  70. 2015 Westermarck. (Occasional Paper of the Royal Anthropological Institute 44) Edited by David Shankland, Canon Pyon, 2014. Social Anthropology 23(1): 113-115.
  71. 2015 Dimova, Rozita, Ethno-Baroque: Materiality, Aesthetics and Conflict in Modern-Day Macedonia, New York, 2013. Social Anthropology 23(2): 233-235.
  72. 2015 Eriksen, Thomas Hylland, Christina Garsten and Shalini Randeria (eds.) Anthropology Now and Next: Essays in Honor of Ulf Hannerz, New York and Oxford, 2014. Anthropological Notebooks 21(2): 110-111.
  73. 2016 Kuper, Adam, Anthropology and Anthropologists: The British School in the Twentieth Century, London, 2015. Social Anthropology 24(2): 266-267.
  74. 2016 Review of Praying and Preying: Christianity in Indigenous Amazonia, Berkeley and Los Angeles, 2016, by Aparecida Vilaça. Tipití: Journal of the Society for the Anthropology of Lowland South America 14(2): 252-254.
  75. 2017 (with Boban Trifunović) U potrazi za počecima antropologije. [Looking for the origins of anthropology.] [S/C] Han F. Vermuelen, Before Boas: The Genesis of Ethnography and Ethnology in the German Enlightenment. Lincoln and London, 2015. Issues in Ethnology and Anthropology 12(1): 277-279. [S/C]
  76. 2017 Harris, Mark, and Nigel Rapport (eds.), Reflections on Imagination: Human Capacity and Ethnographic Method, London, 2015. Anthropos 112(2): 673-674.
  77. 2017 Ferguson, James, Give a Man a Fish: Reflections on the New Politics of Distribution, Durham and London, 2015. Anthropological Notebooks 23(3): 137-138.
  78. 2018 Barrera-González, Andrés, Monica Heintz and Anna Horolets (eds.), European Anthropologies, New York and Oxford, 2017. Anthropological Notebooks 24(2): 120-122.
  79. 2020 Petr Skalník and Marcin Brocki (eds.), Anthropology as Social Critique: Its Public Role in the Globalized World, Krakow, 2018. Sociologus [forthcoming].
  80. 2020 Holbraad, Martin, and Morten Axel Pedersen, The Ontological Turn: An Anthropological Exposition, Cambridge, 2017. Anthropological Notebooks [forthcoming].


  • Reviewer, The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, Anthropology Today, Ethnic and Racial Studies, Current Anthropology, History of Human Sciences, Collegium Antropologicum, Studia Etnologica Croatica, Issues in Ethnology and Anthropology, Stanovništvo and Antropologija.
  • Reviewer, Stanford University Press, Berghahn Books.
  • Departmental Coordinator for International Exchange, Department of Ethnology and Anthropology, Faculty of Philosophy, Belgrade, 2017-.
  • Three lectures on Psychoanalysis and anthropology at the Kolarčev narodni univerzitet, Belgrade, May 2013.
  • Member of the Serbian Ministry of Science’s Interdisciplinary Scientific Committee on the Advancement of State Decisions and Affirmation of National Identity, from 1 September 2010 to 15 January 2017.
  • Consultant for the Anthropology panel, RAE, 2008 (United Kingdom).
  • Project reviewer for the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, 2012.
  • President of the Jury of the 17th Festival of Ethnographic Film in Belgrade, November 2008.
  • Member of the Selection Committee for the annual book award “Dušan Bandić”, Department of Ethnology and Anthropology, Belgrade, 2015/2016.
  • Consultant, social anthropology and Mesoamerica, National Geographic Serbia magazine, since 2006.
  • Several chapters of the book Anthropological Perspectives broadcasted on the Third Program of Radio Belgrade between 7 and 12 April 2014.
  • Several parts/chapters of the book manuscript Myth, Politics, Ideology broadcasted on the Third Program of Radio Belgrade between 27 February and 3 March 2006.
  • Since 1986, more than 220 (two hundred and twenty) paper presentations, invited lectures and guest seminars, including 6 (six) short courses in Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, England, France, Germany, Greece, Israel, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, Macedonia, The Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Romania, Scotland, Serbia, Slovenia, South Africa, Sweden, Tanzania, Turkey, USA, and Yugoslavia.
  • Convenor of the History of Anthropology Network (HoAn), with Han Vermeulen, EASA, 2016-2018.
  • Since 1983, over 200 articles, commentaries and interviews in all major former Yugoslav newspapers and magazines based in Belgrade, including NIN, Politika and Danas; also published in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (Germany), The Fortnight Magazine (Northern Ireland), Arkzin (Croatia), Dnevnik (Macedonia), and interviewed in Slobodna Dalmacija (Croatia), Agora (Montenegro), NIN, Prestup (Serbia), and Uniforum (Norway), by the Radio Deutsche Welle, Radio Free Europe, and Al Jazeera Balkans.


* S/C means that the review was published in Serbo-Croatian.