Dear colleagues,
Here is our 9th newsletter on the project TRACCE DI MEMORIA – TRAME (2020-1-IT02-KA201-079794), co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.
In this newsletter, we would like to share with you the amazing results of TRAME transnational mobilities in Serbia and Hungary!
Transnational training activities were planned to test and validate the TRAME methodology and apply positive creative and practical ways of learning about cultural heritage, which were positively evaluated during the national pilot programs.

Venue: Viminacium Archaeological Park
Period: 18-24 March 2022
Organization: School of Design; Institute of Archaeology, Viminacium Archaeological Park
During the seven-day stay in Viminacium Archaeological Park – Limes Park, seventy high school students from Hungary, Turkey and Serbia worked on two workshops:
1. The Mosaic workshop involved the entire process from breaking stones into small pieces, choosing colours, defining the sketch and filling it with tesserae until the finalization of the mosaic entitled “Never ending journey” and its preparation for pouring of mortar.

2. The Board game workshop’s goal was to develop the board game “Never ending journey“. The work process comprised of designing and creating each aspect of the game, from the design of the board and figurines to defining the concept and instructions.

Both programs were created with the assistance and support of partners’ heritage experts from the Institute of Archaeology, KÖME, the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Pécs and Parco archeologico del Colosseo.

The introduction to the mobility program was a guided tour of the Viminacium site. It had a significant impact on pupils’ perception of the value of cultural heritage and helped them to get inspiration for the board game and characters. Since ancient migrations are the topic of the project, an introductory lecture by Libyan archaeologist Amran Khalifa, was a perfect opportunity to give students a first-hand experience of migrations. Amran spoke about migrations from a personal perspective and with an emotional approach, but also as a professional who was fighting for the preservation of cultural heritage in Libya.

Various activities were organized in students free time: volleyball, soft archery and national singing and dancing programs in the evenings. Yet, it seems that the greatest excitement was caused by the planting of seventy seedlings of poplar and oak. The seedlings carry messages from students, as well as an invitation to return to Viminacium and visit their tree. Another special event was the morning awakening, which involved the raising of legionary flags and playing the TRAME anthem, composed by the students from Italy.

The culmination of the mobility was the exhibition of the works created during this exchange, organized as a Multiplier event on March 23rd, 2022 in Limes Park in Viminacium when the TRAME Manual contents and methodology were disseminated and shared with the interested public. The event also included the lectures and a joint workshop involving participating partners and the invited public. It was opened by the Deputy Mayor of the City of Požarevac, Mr. Slaviša Aleksić in front of a hundred guests. The audience was presented with the results of the students exchange in Serbia, but also with the TRAME project in general. The results of the TRAME project were presented by Francesca Boldrighini PhD, on behalf of the Parco Archeologico del Colosseo. The director of the Institute of Archaeology Miomir Korać PhD, opened an exhibition of young artists and creatives.

Great media support was given to this mobility programme in Serbia and hereby we would like to thank Serbian National Television – RTS, SAT TV, radio station Hit Radio, newspapers Večernje Novosti, Trag Portal, and magazines Energija Kostolac and Reč Naroda.
> TRAME Viminacijum – Gostovanje RTS
> Trame: Razmena đaka u Viminacijumu
> Nemzetközi elismerésben részesült a pécsi világörökségi helyszínek örökségpedagógiai programja
> CAREVI IZ SRBIJE IDU U RIMSKI KOLOSEUM: Najveći srpski arheo-park fascinirao italijanske stručnjake

Venue: UNESCO World Heritage Site of Pécs
Period: 3-9 April 2022
Organizers: Hajnóczy Kollégium; KÖME; UNESCO World Heritage Site of Pécs
TRAME mobility in Hungary included the finalization of the Board game workshop. TRAME board game “Never ending journey”, initiated and conceptualized during the Serbian mobility programme, was fully developed and finished in Hungary.
The process comprised of numerous steps and activities, from the creation of the concept, through designing the sketches of the board, character cards, plot cards and instructions to their final printing. Drawings and paintings were made for 14 characters, together with their sculpturally modelled figurines that will be used as pawns. In the end, the game was tested and proved to be quite entertaining. The young participants were extremely excited as they managed to achieve their goal.
Other programs included the World Heritage Site Tour and Living History program in the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Pécs: actors and actresses trained by heritage experts present the outstanding universal values of the Early Christian cemetery of Pécs (Sopianae) with the accent on migration. Using the improvisational theatre genre, the actors and actresses convey the knowledge and stories related to the Roman heritage through different, professionally authentic characters connected to the World Heritage of Pécs (a nobleman from Rome and his wife from Sopianae, an architect from Constantinople with his barbarian slaves, a soldier from Viminacium, wall painter from Italy). The live-action scenes feature an interactive presentation of Christianity, Roman architecture and murals as well as gastronomy, dressing habits and late Roman burial forms. Great emphasis is placed on the active involvement of the pupils and the experience of co-creation so that the audience can experience the ancient history of Pécs (Sopianae) in the role of shaping and acting in the story.
Another program was “Discovering the Roman city of Pécs (Sopianae)’’ and the historical downtown of Pécs using the interactive mobile application with 3D rotatable models and maps to explore the quartier of the ancient Roman city and its buildings, including three cemeteries of the Roman period.
During the experience, the students worked in small groups of 4-5 persons and had to complete 8-10 challenges until the end of the mission (localization of settlements, taking selfies at the exact places, drawing the floorplan of roman buildings on the map, recreating a picture based on an archive photo, solving Roman inscription of a votive altar, etc.).
One of the exciting activities was a TRAME Kahoot quiz in which all the heritage experts and teachers participated in conceptualizing 30 questions per heritage site: Viminacium, Pécs and Rome. Pupils competed separated into groups which helped them to get a deeper knowledge of heritage sites and migrations, as the majority of questions treated migrations from several points of view.
Special sessions were dedicated to our special guests, who gave lectures on migrations at the House of Arts and Literature. Jean-Christophe Giraud and Simon Wintermans shared their stories and experience, both as migrants and with migrants. It is an understatement to say that they truly left an impression on students.
One of the activities the pupils enjoyed the most was the Flashmob. In the dark hours of the night, we draw the letters and logos of TRAME and the UNESCO World Heritage site with the help of small lamps and together, we sent the light of TRAME project high up into the sky.

On the last day of the mobility board game “Never ending journey’’ was officially presented to all and practiced by pupils.
We would like to thank following media for great support to the Hungarian mobility program:
One of the results of the TRAME transnational programs are the diaries of exchange which are intended to show the personal perception of pupils in various ways of their creative expression. Hereby we are sharing with you two created and inspired with Viminacium mobility.


Hereby, we would like to announce transnational mobility in Italy which will be held in Parco archeologico del Colosseo, from the 2nd to 10th of June 2022 organized by Liceo Pilo Albertelli and Parco archeologico del Colosseo.
Check out the video Prof. Michela Nocita and the students of the Liceo Classico Pilo Albertelli made for us to present their amazing research. They are researching the migrations in the past trying to show us that our European identity is the result of a sort of a melting pot of migrations.
Francesca Boldrighini PhD presented TRAME project in the article published in the magazine Archeo.

The news about TRAME and our pilot program was reported by Eğitimciler Gazetesi, an Istanbul education professional newspaper Special thanks to our partners Çatalca İlçe Milli Eğitim Müdürlüğü and Çatalca Belediyesi for the amazing work they are doing.

On the 10th of March on the stage “Laza Kostić”, the TRAME project was presented at the Educational fair “Putokazi” in Novi Sad, the European capital of culture for 2022. We would like to thank Novi Sad Fair for the invitation and RTI FM radio for media support.

WP2 – Promotion and dissemination of TRAME results
Coordinator: Institute of Archaeology (RS)
institut@ai.ac.rs; j.andjelkovic@ai.ac.rs; jevtoviclj@gmail.com
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